Luke 12:40 “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
My Brother’s last words, “Be Ready,” has awoken something greater within me than I could have ever imagined. Those two words have accelerated me into the purpose God has put within me to help people to be set free from the lies of the enemy by delivering a message that the Lord has giving me.
As you know, we are in a battle in this world where so many are finding their identify in so many things other than Christ. The jobs, titles, other people, physical (sexual) identity, awards, and the list goes on. We are in spiritual warfare and the enemy is after our identity, and our children’s identity.
Additionally, there are many secretly struggling with their identity and God is using my testimony to go after the one who is a secret prisoner. Using my voice to direct all to the love of the father, to persuade individuals to take secret sin to the secret place.
No one is promised tomorrow here on earth, let’s “Be Ready” to be with the Lord at any time and be ready to live another day to bring God the glory.
Philippians 1:21 “For to me, to live as Christ and to die is gain.”
What can Adriano bring to your church?  Adriano is willing to be a guest speaker with songs and a message from the Lord, or a free concert with message in the afternoon. Hear a powerful testimony along with inspired songs from God. Sharing firsthand experience of how the Lord’s grace, kindness and love brought him to the truth, resulting in his identity in Christ.
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